Kindergarten: Day 9

Today was another great day in kindergarten!

We learned last week during orientation that on Tuesday is Chapel and Isabel is required to wear a dress. She doesn’t seem to mind though that fact, she just really enjoys Chapel. This week Ms. “Seal” sang a the song “The Cry of My Heart”. I’m not sure exactly who wrote it but I did look it up on the internet…

“It is the cry of my heart, To follow You. It is the cry of my heart, To be close to You. It is the cry of my heart, To follow all of the days of my life.
Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord, So I can walk in Your truth. Teach me Your holy ways oh Lord, And make me wholly devoted to You.
Open my eyes so I can see, The wonderful things You do. Open my heart up more and more, And make it wholly devoted to You.”

I don’t know for sure if this is the exact song, since I found a few different ones but it sounds great and it seems like an easy song (not to complex) to sing to/for kindergartners.

Her number dot-to-dot today. She colored it different colors and then took a white crayon and colored over the whole thing. She said that it was cool.

They are still working on their Creation books. When I asked her if they were on a different day, she said no, still on day 3. I didn’t get a number sheet today, so they either didn’t get one or Isabel missed placed it. I guess we’ll see what’s in the take-home folder tomorrow.

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Every so often, not every day, Isabel sends us (Gino and I) “mail” that we find tucked somewhere for us to find. She also mails us “packages/surprises” that we find, usually under our pillows at night. These are small toys that she thinks we need. However, today my mail was in my drawer and Gino’s mail was in the guest room…

This was my “mail”. I think she sent this to me because I was in her room quite a bit on Sunday. She has been playing “mommy” a lot lately. She has lots of “children” which are all her stuffed animals and baby dolls. She will make a car out of her pillow and other items and “drive” her “kids” around to “school” and the “store”. Whenever I step into her room, it’s her “house” and I’m invited to play along! It’s so fun!

Gino’s “mail”. I think she sent him this because his back was hurting… I love it! He’s been working on a project for some friends at church, he’s making their daughter a bed. I will post the photos when the project is complete.

Kindergarten: Day 8

This morning was a bit cool. I think we have seen the end of summer. Even though it doesn’t official end until next week.

This morning makes for a new week and a new letter verse, which is “Bb“.

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

The class also worked on their Creation books with today’s focus being on the 3rd day; God commands the waters to be in one place and to be called “sea” and the dry land to appear and it be called “land/earth”. God commands the earth to bring forth grass, plants, and fruit bearing trees.

Since September’s math highlight is numbers 1-10. Isabel is enjoying doing these dot-to-dots in the morning.

This was a story about 2 friends; pig and bear. Pig and bear weren’t friends because pig was always making messes. One day pig and bear became friends because bear’s bear got dirty and pig helped clean up bear. In the end pig and bear had a celebration together. Isabel had to remember the story that was told to her and then draw a picture of what happened in the end.

Today’s number is 7. The counting bears were used again today for the exercise above.

Mrs. Boettcher told the class to draw 7 items on the paper. Isabel traced the counting bears and then colored in each of them.

Kindergarten: Day 7

Today has been a good day, so far. I’ve been working, still, on getting caught up on posting here on the blog. I have to finish the month of August and the reunion. It’s coming together.

When I asked Isabel about her day today, at first she just said “lots of stuff”. When I pushed and asked for more details I got a bit more information…She mentioned that even though Eden (from her preschool class) has been struggling with being in kindergarten, today she pushed Isabel on the swings at recess! I told her that was great and she should have told Eden thank you. She said that she did.

The class is still working on the Creation story and putting together a Creation book in class. Isabel said they can’t bring it home yet because they aren’t finished with it yet.
I told her that was O.K. I would see it when she brought it home finished.

I LOVE this dot-to-dot she did this morning!
She did a fabulous job coloring the whole thing!!! LOVE IT! ♥♥♥♥

We have been practicing her Bible verse for the letter “Aa” all week and
I think she’s got it!

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

She also brought home her first homework for the year; a questionnaire for me to fill out about Isabel and a counting worksheet for her.

Her math worksheet for today.

Today’s number was 6.

Kindergarten: Day 6

Today we learned that our field trip for next week has been postponed until the following week. Same time, just a new day!

Today’s number was 5.

Isabel’s dot-to-dot for today. She also said she was practicing writing her name. We have noticed that she’s switching from lower case to all capital letters or mixing it up. Our hope is that as the year continues she will begin to do it correctly, again.

Today was music day with Mrs. Seal. Isabel says they headed over to her class, which is in her old Chapel room. Today for music they played musical chairs! Isabel said she didn’t know how to play musical chairs until today and she really enjoyed playing it.

The Bible story for this month is focusing on Creation.


Happy Birthday Makayla

Today was our friend Makayla’s birthday and since her birthday was a week day her Mom celebrated with a little party with friends and family. Enjoy!

After having a bit of play time and chatting time for the adults, we started the party off with a game of Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and guess who won???…

Isabel was the one to put the tail on the donkey!

A quick hug before cupcakes! So cute together.

The party crowd before we sing Happy Birthday to Makayla!

All the kids enjoying their cupcakes before heading inside to open gifts.

The last gift to be opened was from Isabel who got her a Strawberry Stylin’ doll, hair accessories (clips and bows) for Makayla, a homemade flower, and a giant colored picture.

Kindergarten: Day 5

Last nights Parent Orientation was very helpful! We got so much information, it’s going to take me a few days to wrap my mind around all the things that were said. We learned more about Mrs. Boettcher and who she is and got to see her enthusiasm for teaching. She loves the kids already!

Mrs. Boettcher.

The first week of class was focused on getting into a classroom routine, expectations, assessments and getting acquainted.

The classroom rules are: Honor God by doing what is right. Follow directions, and Be a good listener.
We learned about memory verses (I’ll go over that later), show & tell, birthdays, field trips (first one is next week!), snacks, lunch, and the Extended Care Program.

This week’s verse, which they actually get at the beginning of the week, goes along with the letter of the week which is “Aa“.

“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23

Each week will be a new letter of the alphabet and a new verse! I thought this was a cool idea instead of using objects to represent the letters like last year in Preschool.

Today’s number was 4 and the class worked with pattern blocks. Isabel really liked learning this and told me that if you put 2 trapezoids together along the “base”, it makes a hexagon.
I told her that was cool!

After hearing the story of “Moo Moo Brown Cow” Isabel drew a few of the animals in the barnyard. From the top down: a blue cat, a red pig, a large brown sheep, and a blue goose.

Kindergarten: Day 4

Tonight is Parent Orientation. We will learn all the rules and regulations for the elementary side of school. Learn who all the teachers are and get to visit the classroom to meet Mrs. Boettcher. So exciting!! Isabel will be spending the evening with our neighbors.

Today was Chapel at school today! The first thing Isabel told us, was about the music teacher, Ms. Webster (soon to be Mrs. Seal) and her violin! She was so excited about it.

A math dot-to-dot that was done today.

On the back of her dot-to-dot page.

Today’s number was 3. Mrs. Boettcher told them to draw a picture of 3.
Isabel drew 3 pictures of Daisy.

When I asked about the rest of her day she couldn’t quite remember anything else, just that today was Chapel and the music teacher was there with a violin that she played!