
Our plan for the day was to find and get some huckleberries out in the wild. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any, but we had a great time together and we got to see new things. Enjoy!

Mount Rainier from the east side.

My cutie-patootie and my hubba-hubba hunk of love!

The road down just as pretty as the road up.

A waterfall, one of many, that we saw along the road. This one went way up the mountain side!

The hunt for huckleberries lead us to this slow moving stream in the woods off the main road back in the woods.

Didn’t see any animals besides this frog and several hawks. Isabel was worried we were going to see a bear but we didn’t.

Isabel and I along our quiet stream. So peaceful…

We decided that it was time to head back toward home, so we drove further and then turned westward toward home.

Checking out this fast moving stream for fish… there were none.

Getting sleepy, hungry, and disappoint we didn’t find any huckleberries, Isabel sits a moment along the stream.

Gorgeous view of Mount Rainier looking from the south.

Surprise Surprise

Today as we headed out, Gino told Isabel that he had a “meeting” he had to go to…

She was still thinking about this “meeting” that Daddy had to attend, up until she saw the poster and then she leaned over to me and whispered, “Momma, can we see that (pointing to the sign) after the “meeting”.” I couldn’t help but laugh as I explained to her that Daddy’s meeting was at the movie theater. The look on her face was priceless!

Kindergarten: Day 3

Today Isabel seemed excited to meet me after class. She was talking so fast and I could hardly catch up!

This was an exercise with hard plastic teddy bears (which I told Isabel I remembered those from when I was little!).
On the back of this sheet (you can just make it out) is a giant number two.  The kids trace the number with their finger; curl around and then slide to the right. 2!

During recess she got to see more of her preschool friends but not for very long because the whistle blew and they had to go.
She also said she saw a book, “Arthur’s TV Trouble” that she said she would like to read. I told her maybe next time she’s in class.

They got to do a dot-to-dot and Isabel said she understands already how to do them. When she was completed with her dot-to-dot she turned her paper over and drew…

This awesome dinosaur! Whose name by the way, is Rexy!

She said they sang a bunch of new songs one of them
(she couldn’t remember the other one) goes like this…

“God pushed up the mountians, he rolled out the sea.
He painted the sky and he even made me!” (this little song as actions too!) – Love it!

Isabel even said Mrs. Boettcher even brought a guitar case to class today
and inside was a real guitar!

Kindergarten: Day 2

Again Isabel didn’t say much about her day. She did say that she saw several of her preschool friends out on the playground. I thought that was great!

She brings home a folder each day and we check it to see the work she has done in class. The above picture was sitting on her “desk” when we arrived this morning.

The Circle of Blessing is a concept from Ted Tripp’s book “Shepherding a Child’s Heart”.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother (this is the first commandment with promise), that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” – Ephesians 6:1-3

Parts of the circle of blessing may go a little something like this…

“Honor your father and mother” (what does that mean?) It’s more than just obeying but treating them like important people with love and respect.

“Commandment with promise” (what does this mean?) It’s the first  of the 10 commandments that comes with a specific promise from God,
there is a reward if you do this right.

“Go well with you” (what does that mean?) That God will help your work out better, not perfect but much better than it would if you did not obey.

“Live long in the land” (what does that mean?)  When God first said this it was talking about the promised land, but for Christians the promised land is heaven.


When I asked Isabel if she knew what the “circle of blessing”
meant this is what she said…

“The circle of blessing is like when you disobey your parents. When you step out of that circle you are not in the circle of blessing anymore. Which makes our Father sad. Do you know who he is? Is our other Father in heaven and you are a sheep, I am a lamb, and he is the shepherd! That is why I wrote “No sin” in the circle because you have no sin in the circle unless you step outside when you do something bad.”

What an awesome lesson!