
Every so often, not every day, Isabel sends us (Gino and I) “mail” that we find tucked somewhere for us to find. She also mails us “packages/surprises” that we find, usually under our pillows at night. These are small toys that she thinks we need. However, today my mail was in my drawer and Gino’s mail was in the guest room…

This was my “mail”. I think she sent this to me because I was in her room quite a bit on Sunday. She has been playing “mommy” a lot lately. She has lots of “children” which are all her stuffed animals and baby dolls. She will make a car out of her pillow and other items and “drive” her “kids” around to “school” and the “store”. Whenever I step into her room, it’s her “house” and I’m invited to play along! It’s so fun!

Gino’s “mail”. I think she sent him this because his back was hurting… I love it! He’s been working on a project for some friends at church, he’s making their daughter a bed. I will post the photos when the project is complete.

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