We Shall Have Cake

We stayed home from church today because Isabel was complaining of an earache. She was also coughing and her nose was running non stop. So I kept her in her pj’s and kept her from getting to excited.

She went off early in the morning and came back with a birthday cake for Daddy that she had made. She set up a table and chairs and even served up slices of her cake to me (Daddy had some later).

Her birthday party for Daddy.

The cake was made up of 2 slices of decorated paper, cut and taped together to form a layered (puffy) look. With the leftover paper, she made striped candles, which she then taped to the top of the cake. She glued yellow pom-poms to the candles to act as the flame and then sliced (cut) out pieces of her pie for us to eat.

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