First Grade: Day 163

Today isĀ Fantastic Friday!

This morning I got the 411 on the “projects” the 5th graders did yesterday and all the candy Isabel was talking about. Each 5th grader is required to do a year end report about a state of their choosing. Their teacher then sets up a “state fair” in the gym with each students state displayed. Each student then gives a small “report” to the rest of the elementary students about the state they choose. The students usually have some kind of food/candy, that comes from the state they report on, to share with the others…
So what Isabel got out of the state reports, was the candy and soda. What state are you talking about?

Isabel did much better on her graded work this week. She only missed a total of 5 answers from all the work turned in. She also improved on her handwriting. You can really tell she slowed down and didn’t rush in getting her work done. Fantastic job!


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Each morning when she arrives at class, Isabel has to do a D.L.R. or Daily Learning Review. Each review is different and reviews something that they have already gone over in the school year. Teacher Mrs. B doesn’t send them home until the end of the week with all other graded work for the week.

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Front: read the story and then write details about it on the rocks below.

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Back: choose the name and write the word.

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Some of her math work for today.

Teacher Mrs. B confirmed that they have finished their required math for the year and she will be doing more advanced work for preparation for second grade! Awesome!

This work below is just some of the graded work that Isabel did this week.

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Find the 2 words that go together and write them on a bat.

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Some more math.

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Begins fractions work.
Super job!

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