First Grade: Day 162

Today is Thankful Thursday and it’s P.E. with Mrs. S.

Today, I went with my preschool class on a field trip, to the children’s museum. So after school Isabel had to go into the extended program until I could get back.

P.E. was cancelled again this week due to a 5th grade end of the year “project” in the gym. I didn’t understand what Isabel was talking about this “project” the 5th graders did. Whatever it was, Isabel sure did enjoy it. She got lots of candy and even soda! I’ll need to ask Teacher Mrs. B about it tomorrow…


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Science lesson for this week: Attracting Iron; magnetism.

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Learning about magnetic and non magnetic.

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Classroom experiment!

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Front: follow the directions.

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Back: complete the sentences with the correct word.

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Front: “ea” as /e/ sound.

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Back: circle and write the word that best completes the sentences.

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