First Grade: Day 108

Today is Terrific Tuesday with Chapel and library.

Since Daddy has a business meeting today, he will be taking Isabel to school. I also have a meeting this afternoon, so I will be able to pick her up from school, with some help from a friend! Thank you!

Because she was in after-school care, we didn’t even discuss school activities. So I have no idea how her day at school actually went. We came home, started homework, ate dinner, finished homework, and then it seemed like it was time for bed!

Today was “Family Chapel“; where she gets together with other classmates (of various ages) in a small group and that group is lead by a 6th grader(s). Like an adult Bible study.

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In “Family Chapel” they talked about Rahab and the spies.

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Library book for this week. Sounds like an interesting adventure!
She told me she already has it read!

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During library she finished choosing her book quickly and got to do an activity while waiting for her classmates to finish.

2013-02-26 005_edited-1Front: describing color, size, and shape.

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Back: describing color, shape, size.

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Front: working with this weeks spelling words.

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Back: unscramble the spelling words.2013-02-26 009_edited-1

Front: write the words that match each picture.

2013-02-26 010_edited-1Back: circle the word that best completes the sentence.

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Front: follow the directions.

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Back: fill in the word that best completes the sentence.

2013-02-26 021_edited-1Isabel with her “Who” mask.
In after-school care, they talked about Dr. Seuss (who would be celebrating a birthday soon)
and made these cool masks!

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Her crazy “Who” face.
She gave it green hair, one purple eye, one blue eye, freckles,
an orange face, braces on it’s teeth and a mustache!

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