First Grade: Day 101 – Valentines Day

Today is Thankful Thursday and it’s P.E. with Mrs. S and computer lab with Mrs. T. Computer lab was cancelled because of the class Valentine’s party this afternoon.

During P.E. Isabel said they played basketball. She is trying to learn how to make a basket but keeps missing with practice though she’ll get it. While She was practicing today she sprained her pinky finger. It’s NOT BROKEN! Just very sore and black and blue. We are keeping an eye on it.

The Valentine’s party was on everyone’s mind all day! They decorated cookies and had juice boxes. They handed out their own Valentines cards and played a game or two as well. Isabel had a lot of fun and was wearing most of her cookie on her face when I picked her up!


In class eating her treats.


Nancy, Anabella, Audrey, Mila, Madeline, Fiona, Eden, Isabel, Isabella, and Maddie.
All the girls (missing 2) wanted a picture. (one of the boys slipped in and a sibling too!)

She ended up with not a whole lot of candy (which I am so thankful for). She got lots of suckers and a bag of microwave gourmet popcorn! Other items she got were pencils, small notepads, and bubbles. Fun stuff!!


At school on the playground with friends; Madeline and Mila.

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Not much work was completed today. She did have 2 pages of math homework to do after school. Otherwise it was a fun day!

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Front: complete the sentences with the proper word.

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Back: same as the front.Complete the sentences.

2013-02-15 003_edited-1

Front: now and then.

2013-02-15 004_edited-1

Back: word search!

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