First Grade: Day 97

Today is Fantastic Friday! Normally it’s music class with Mr. G but today he’s away from the school. So they did music yesterday!

Nothing was really said about today except that someone got in BIG trouble! Since the incident happened just before class let out for the day, it was the only thing on her mind.

Today like any Friday is a big testing day.

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Bible verse test.

2013-02-09 007_edited-1Today’s DLR (Daily Language Review) test.
DLR testing is every day of the week but we don’t see the results of these until Friday.

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Valentines heart (outside).

Next week is the class Valentine’s day party and today Isabel said they worked on decoration’s for the party. They made streams.

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Valentine’s heart (inside).

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Front: working with contractions.

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Back: working with contractions.

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