First Grade: Day 94

Today is Terrific Tuesday with Chapel and library. I wonder what book she’ll bring home today???

Chapel today was lead by Pastor John G. from Christ Community Baptist Church. He spoke about being a LIGHT! Pastor G, demonstrated by using a battery to make a light bulb bright, just like we are LIGHTS to the world. Romans 1:20 The Light of Jesus gives us FAITH, HOPE and LOVE!! Sounds like a great message!!

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Her choice today in library was another M.T.H. book.

She didn’t bring much class work home today. Only 1 sheet! She had 2 pages of math homework and her spelling words to write out. A light work day is always good.

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Front: working with the spelling words for the week.

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Back: unscramble the spelling words.
(** notice the tiny written words along the bottom**)

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I was so impressed with her tiny writing!

2013-02-06 005_edited-1You almost miss it when you see it on the paper.

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