First Grade: Day 8

Fridays are a big day at school with “something” usually going on. This Friday is 1/2 day Fair Day. The kids are given a free ticket to the fair being held in town and they get a half day of school to attend. Personally, I think it’s a bit silly to get out a 1/2 day of school to attend a fair that runs for 3 weeks straight. At some point in time during those three weeks a family can attend the fair… it’s called WEEKENDS! Anyway…

Friday in class is called “Fantastic Fridays“.

Besides the special “something” that is going on at the school on Fantastic Fridays, they also attend music class with Mr. G, just like on Wednesdays.

Leaving the Garden of Eden because Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

A little quiz about the story of Adam and Eve.

Her math work from class today.
On the back is her homework which she will hand in on Monday and will get returned to her on Friday.

Fridays are also “Friday Folder” days. This Friday Folder Teacher Mrs. B sends home with all the graded work from the past week in. However this week had last weeks work in it too because the week was so short. This folder is just packed with wonderful work and great surprises…

This little 5 page book is filled with drawings and short sentences from her first week in school. There is a self portrait, a picture of Teacher Mrs. B, a picture of her school, a picture of a friend in class, and a picture of her classroom. The last page is the best part of first grade is…”learning”. I love this!

Test 1.

These next 3 photos are from tests that she took during the week.
Teacher Mrs. B gave a letter and she had to write the letter down on her paper.

Test 2.

Test 3.

This 6 page worksheet was a great writing, counting and observation lessons.

An 8 page worksheet with numbers 1-6, counting and writing.

Reviewing color words and color shades.

Another color review page.

This test was given Friday of last week. Teacher Mrs. B read the questions aloud to the class and the class filled in the answer in the book.
The word recognition word/s that Isabel missed was could and would.
I think she did a fantastic job! Way to go!

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