First Grade: Day 7

Again, this morning I had to get to work so Isabel and Gino were on there own for the day until I got home.

Thursday in class is called “Thankful Thursdays“.

Thankful Thursday is also P.E. with Mrs. S and computer lab with Mrs. T. This week in P.E. they played dodge ball in the gym and in computer lab they did AR (accelerated reader) testing.

4 more “shoe box” books were given out.

Front: phonics work with letters “Y”, “Z”, and “Q”.

Back: phonics work with letters “V” and “J” below
“I have a little dog.” and “I have a little ball.”

Character counts! – showing respect to others around you.

This ribbon the class got to cut out on their own and then they got to finish the sentence about showing respect.
Fantastic job!

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