Fencing – Days 3 and 4

Day 3: Gino headed out and finished up on the south side of the house over by the neighbors house. He would have been done sooner but then realized that the door was hung on the wrong post so he had to take down the completed door and redo the whole thing. What a bummer! It looks great though.

View of south side fence along neighbors property.

Inside view of completed south side fence and gate.

Outside view of south side fence and gate.
The patch of dirt in front of the gate will probably have grass.
As the day was drawing to a close Gino headed over to the north side to begin installation of that gate.

All that is left to be done…

Gino installing the hardware for the gate.

Showing Isabel how to attach the hardware.

Gino got all of this hardware installed and the wood attached and was ready to attach panels and be done; when he realized that the hardware wasn’t “square” and had to disassemble everything. Talk about frustrating!

Day 4: That next morning I exchanged the hardware and that night Gino finished the fence! Hurray!

Inside view of north side fence and gate.

Outside view of north side fence and gate.