Penne Pasta Pea Pods?!?

The other day, I happened to stumble across a build your own salad bar in one of our area grocery stores. BTW, this is our favorite thing to do – B.Y.O.S.! Yum! So yesterday for lunch we headed to the store to “load up” on the salad bar. Gino and I each got our own salads and Isabel had her own as well. Filled with pineapple, grapes, cottage cheese, a Penne pasta /shrimp salad (keep this in mind), kidney beans, peas and ham. After we load up, we think of heading to the park to eat our salad’s there but unfortunately the park only had one table (who designs a park w/only 1 table!!!!) and that was already occupied. So we headed back home. While we were eating, I got to my sugar snap peas that I had added to my salad and I hand one of the them to Isabel and ask her if she knew what it was. She held onto it and just looked at it a little weird; not saying a word. Then Gino says to her “There are babies inside” (and if you’ve read my previous postings you’d know that babies are important to Isabel!). So I take the pea pod back and bite into it and then show Isabel how to open the pod to see the “babies”. She was totally wowed by this! She grabs up the baby peas and I eat the pod. So back to eating my salad and talking with Gino when out of the corner of our eyes (we both see this at the same time) we notice Isabel is quietly working with her Penne pasta. She had managed to cut open the pasta and was filling the pasta with peas just like the pea pod I had shown her! Monkey see. Monkey do!

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