Weekend Den Remodel Part 3

The two day weekend projected turned into three days…because we decided to paint at the last minute. Enjoy!

All prepped and ready to go!
The paint color is called “Promenade”.

Isabel painting…she did a really good job for it being her first time (large scale)!

Reaching up high!
Not to much paint on her either…she’s a cleaner painter then I am!

The finished wall.
I haven’t taken any finished photos yet…I’ll have to do that…

Weekend Den Remodel Part 2

On day 2, all that’s left of the floor work is the closet area and doorway.
We chose Hand Scraped Hickory and it looks awesome!

Isabel fell in love with this “shaker” hammer.

Later she wanted to help out…

Almost done…just the closet.

All finished…well mostly! The door piece was finished a few days later.

All that’s left is painting (which we decided to do after the floor), trim work,
shelving installation, blind installation, new lighting, etc…

Weekend Den Remodel Part 1

This morning we awoke to begin our first home improvement project of the year; a weekend den remodel. With Gino working from home now, we decided it would be better if the den was actually a office space. So we began with a little dirty demolition…

Before picture looking north/west.

Before picture looking at closet.

Before picture looking west.

After all the carpet was pulled out; what a mess! So much dirt under the carpet!
Now we need to pull up the staples from the pad and then it’s onto floor installation.

So much brighter

Over the weekend Gino did a new light install in our living room (My job was to hold the flash light, get tools when required, and keep Isabel clear of the work area). The one and only light that has been in the living room was a canister/recessed light, which gave no light to the room what so ever! So while we were out looking around at the Black Friday sales (we went later after the crowds), we stopped at Lowe’s and ended up looking at light fixtures for the living room. We decided on something that was clean and simple; yet bright enough to light the room up better. So this is the install…

After taking the light down; this is how we found the hole to the light!
Not pretty is it!?!

Needless to say we had to buy an additional cover to cover the hole
left by the electrician!

Gino measuring the inside for placement of the new new light box.

Drilling in the new light box.

Completed light box installation.

Gino installing the shades for the light.

Completed light.

Fencing – Days 3 and 4

Day 3: Gino headed out and finished up on the south side of the house over by the neighbors house. He would have been done sooner but then realized that the door was hung on the wrong post so he had to take down the completed door and redo the whole thing. What a bummer! It looks great though.

View of south side fence along neighbors property.

Inside view of completed south side fence and gate.

Outside view of south side fence and gate.
The patch of dirt in front of the gate will probably have grass.
As the day was drawing to a close Gino headed over to the north side to begin installation of that gate.

All that is left to be done…

Gino installing the hardware for the gate.

Showing Isabel how to attach the hardware.

Gino got all of this hardware installed and the wood attached and was ready to attach panels and be done; when he realized that the hardware wasn’t “square” and had to disassemble everything. Talk about frustrating!

Day 4: That next morning I exchanged the hardware and that night Gino finished the fence! Hurray!

Inside view of north side fence and gate.

Outside view of north side fence and gate.

Dirty Girl!

Isabel loves to play in the dirt…but she doesn’t like to be dirty. Go figure?!?! This evening while Gino was finishing up the cutting of panels for the fence; we were outside just enjoy the evening together.

Isabel digging in the dirt. But later…notice that large rock in front of her; keep that in mind.

Dirty piggies!

Later while I was watching Isabel play; she was pretending to eat that large rock (see the first photo above) and when I asked her to show me. She plops down on the ground, bends over to the rock, begins to lick it, sits up and pretends to chew! GROSS – Isabel!!! Hence, the dirty cheeks and mouth (the orange tint below her mouth is from a sugar free Popsicle earlier). You so need a bath – dirty girl! :o)

Fencing – Day 2

How does it look???? We have had several of our neighbors comment on how good it looks. We even had one neighbor want to know if Gino does fencing professionally! It looks really nice. Gino did an outstanding job on our fencing project! Thank you, sweetie! :o)

Back yard view.

Just about finished with those cut panels.

Gino cutting up panels.

All finished!

Street side. Now we only have the “front” sides
(where the gates on either side of the house will be located) to finish up.
I’ll post photos of that when it gets all completed.

Fencing – Day 1

The rails are up and now it’s time for actual fence panels.

Looking south before the panels go on.

Our first panel is complete…we have a long way to go.

North side of house is coming along nicely. Gino used a nail gun to secure each panel to the fence. In a few spots, he had to cut boards to fit, which he did after all the panel were up on all sides of the house. My job was to remove all the pricing tags and staples from each panel and then supply them to Gino and to keep things clear for him to work (i.e. rake up stray rocks, move tree branches, supply cold water, keep Isabel out of the way…).

Speaking of Isabel…
Here she is and it appears that the air compressor needs some work.
So she’ll get right on it!

Helping wherever and whenever she can; so she needs to be safe.

This first day we moved along quite well and got the north side done and almost half of the back down.