
I’m still working on getting our vacation photos sized and on the blog. I have been busy this week. I had a school workshop to attend yesterday and next week I have 2 meetings before school begins on the 4th. So I’ve been busy and with school starting I’ll be even busier!

Today Isabel spent the afternoon working very hard on some bookmarks for us all (she even made one for Daisy!).

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She used a regular bookmark to trace on her plain white paper
and then went to work making her artwork.

I love them all! The one for Daddy is awesome! She worked hard at getting the tools just so.

I later laminated them, so we could keep them forever!

Sunday News

Today Isabel was feeling tired and worn down (growing spurt!) and didn’t want to spend time outside. So she rested on the sofa and made her own newspaper and coupon. Enjoy!

2013-06-02 002_edited-1Newspaper for Sunday.
Weather: sunny with white clouds and blue sky.
funny news: A girl trains her dog (who is ten years old!) to b a working dog by putting 2 treats in a bag and putting it up to her dog’s nose. the dog smelt it and put her nose in the bag!

 BTW, there is more to the “funny news” but she ran out of paper!

2013-06-02 003_edited-1(coupon) Planting: Do you like flowers? Do you like planting? Use this free coupon to get one of these 3 types of flowers! daisys violets roses

Hair Book

Isabel made this awesome hair book last week before we went on vacation but then she took it to school (to show her friends) before I could get photos of it. She brought it home yesterday after school so I grabbed it before it disappeared again. Enjoy!

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Hair Book
by Isabel Espinoza
(outside front cover)

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Page 1: all hair gathered together into side braids.

Page 2: all hair is gathered into small sections and made into long braids down the back.
(the “X’s” mean to braid the hair)

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Page 3: long hair divided into small sections and then gathered, bent in half and pinned (with barrette’s) to top of head.

Page 4: long braid down back of head.

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Page 5: all (long) hair gathered to top of head and secured into a pony tail and a bow added.

Page 6: most of the hair gathered (except for one section) and braided down the back. The loose section is just loose along the side of the head.

When I asked her if she only did long hair, she had to stop and think a minute. Then went to finish her book with a few pages for people with short hair.

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Page 7: short hair curled
(she asked me to teach her how to use rollers!)

Page 8: short (or long) hair curled on the ends only.

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Page 9: short (or long) hair straight (no accessories).

Page 10: short (or long) hair small amount of hair gathered on side of head and a bow added.

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Outside back cover: Cool Style Hair

She has “used” her “Hair Book, Cool Style Hair” book on me once. I told her to surprise me with a style of her choosing. She did a new style that wasn’t even added to the book. I think a sequel is in the making…

Daisy Poem

Isabel has written another poem/story about Daisy.

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A portion of her story/poem of Daisy.

Chapter 1 Daisy
Daisy dreams about many things.
I’ll tell you some, treat(s), sleep, eat, and food.
Daisy always wants or dose (does) these things.
Plus she is a dog (I bet you know that.)
She also likes the sunshine on sunny days.
By Isabel

2013-05-10 002_edited-1She even drew a picture to go with her story/poem.
She told me she wanted to add to what she’s written but I haven’t seen anything yet.

My 1000 Post

My 1,000th posting has arrived!!

I am shocked that it’s here.

When we began this blog 6 years ago, I had no idea what to talk/blog about, let alone who’s going to read what I write!?! What do I have to say that is meaningful to those who read this blog?

Someone has been reading my words, most of those people have been family and a few friends. No one else has ever told me they read what I write, besides my own parents and they enjoy it. My father skims through the postings, mainly looking at the pictures and my Mother reads each one through. So someone does read it!

In those 6 years, I have really begun to enjoy blogging. I feel terrible if, I miss a day. This is my journal, about our lives and what we do. Some day, Isabel will be able to look back and read what she did on this and this day. She may even get a few laughs out of it and say, “Hey, I remember doing that!”

What I hope she gets most out of my words/blog, is that I love her very much. I want her to look back and remember those times that she has forgotten when she’s older. So she can sit at her dining room table (eating dinner) and tell her kids about the time she did this and the time she did that. Just like she enjoys doing with Daddy and I now and hearing about when we were her age.

So what I write is for her… remember to have faith, put your hope in Jesus. He loves you more. Laugh and enjoy this website.

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It’s for you, Squirt! I love you.

Tint The Pages

Saturday all Isabel wanted to do was color.

She spent most of the day in her room listening to A.i.O. (Adventures in Odyssey) and coloring. Enjoy!

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The book she’s coloring is a P.M. BIG book.
She told me she wanted to color the whole book. She’s not finished with it yet.

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Baby with bird.

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Girl at the beach.

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I love that she used so many colors!

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Another page with lots of color.

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Two boys.

Learning About Bones

This afternoon Isabel was trying to “teach us” about bones in our body.

She got out her body book and read different “bone” facts from in it and then gave us a “slide show”.

I love love love the drawing that she did for the “slide show”. It’s AWESOME!

She also wanted us to play a game she called… “Pin the skull on the neck!” Ha! Ha! (to hear her say it is hilarious!!) Tomorrow we are going to learn about muscles, maybe we’ll get a picture for that too!