Second Grade: Day 171

Today is Friday and there are only 7 days of school left!

When I picked Isabel up after school she was in a good mood. We went and had frozen yogurt together and then went shopping for a birthday gift for a party for Ms. Mila tomorrow. We had a fun afternoon.

She had a good day in school. They worked in pairs using flash cards for math. Her partner was Mr. Blake and he wasn’t interested in practicing math. She got frustrated with him as her partner.

Today was the day to hand in their Northwest Trek Mammal animal report. Isabel had her report completed by Tuesday and was thankful to finally hand it and be over with it. I’m hoping she gets a good grade, she worked so hard on it. She enjoys everything about school but hates writing. So it was a struggle to sit down and get words on the paper.

She didn’t mention anything else about her day other then they also worked on a few division problems as well.

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