First Grade: Day 178 – Field Day

It’s Marvelous Monday!

Today was FIELD DAY at school. A day to get outside and play games with your classmates!


Each student was selected to be on a team; red, white or blue. Can you tell what team Isabel is on?

Each class routed through 6 different relay games and points were award for whichever team won in each class. After every class went through each game, the points for each team from each class was added together to get the winner. The white team won first place, the blue team won second and red won third.

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The days events were written on the chalk board in class.
Sounds interesting…

Before heading outside to the games, we had lunch together in the classroom.


Game 1: Day at the beach:

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At the start line run down, carrying a beach chair and beach bag.
Set up beach chair, put on sunglasses (in bag), cover yourself with beach towel (in bag)
and “read” beach magazine (in bag).
Put items back in bag, fold up chair and then race back to start and hand items to next person in line.


Game 2: Pizza box race:

2013-06-17 014_edited-1Carry a stack of (empty) pizza boxes to the finish, leave one box, run back with remaining boxes and hand to next person. The game ends when all the boxes are at the other end. The class did this game twice. Isabel’s team won this game.


Game 3: Plunger challenge:

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Carry a plunger with a ball on top to the finish, run around plunger finish and run back to start.
Hand plunge “torch” to next person in line. The class did this race several times.
(if the ball falls off you had to start over!)
Isabel’s team won this game too.


Game 4: Marble toes:

2013-06-17 020_edited-1Run down to the pool and grab a marble with your toes. Place it in the bucket, run back and the person goes. Isabel got to be first for this game and everyone enjoyed this one the best.

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Isabel is great with her toes!
She got the large marble (worth 5 points) the first try!


Game 5: Potato race:

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Get your potato down and around the cone and back again.

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Working hard on getting it back to the start.
Her team didn’t do so well on this game, but they all had fun.


Game 6: Ping pony relay:

2013-06-17 037_edited-1Walk down (forward) to the finish with a ping pong ball on a spoon. Walk around a cone and back to start. Isabel’s team won this game.

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Isabel making her way backward to the finish line!
The class did this relay forward and backward!


Game 7: SNOW CONES!!!

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A warm day calls for a snow cone!


Isabel and I eating our snow cones.
(photo from the school – not my photo!)



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Blue team got second place over all!
Way to go!


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