Hair Book

Isabel made this awesome hair book last week before we went on vacation but then she took it to school (to show her friends) before I could get photos of it. She brought it home yesterday after school so I grabbed it before it disappeared again. Enjoy!

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Hair Book
by Isabel Espinoza
(outside front cover)

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Page 1: all hair gathered together into side braids.

Page 2: all hair is gathered into small sections and made into long braids down the back.
(the “X’s” mean to braid the hair)

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Page 3: long hair divided into small sections and then gathered, bent in half and pinned (with barrette’s) to top of head.

Page 4: long braid down back of head.

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Page 5: all (long) hair gathered to top of head and secured into a pony tail and a bow added.

Page 6: most of the hair gathered (except for one section) and braided down the back. The loose section is just loose along the side of the head.

When I asked her if she only did long hair, she had to stop and think a minute. Then went to finish her book with a few pages for people with short hair.

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Page 7: short hair curled
(she asked me to teach her how to use rollers!)

Page 8: short (or long) hair curled on the ends only.

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Page 9: short (or long) hair straight (no accessories).

Page 10: short (or long) hair small amount of hair gathered on side of head and a bow added.

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Outside back cover: Cool Style Hair

She has “used” her “Hair Book, Cool Style Hair” book on me once. I told her to surprise me with a style of her choosing. She did a new style that wasn’t even added to the book. I think a sequel is in the making…