First Grade: Day 168

It’s Marvelous Monday!

Today marks 2 weeks and 2 days of school left in the school year. Isabel is looking forward to “sleeping in” she says. She officially gets out on the 18th at noon!

Marvelous Monday means All-School OpenA.S.O. is the Monday morning assembly for announcements and other fun stuff for the week.
Isabel got her “Rising Reader2 award today in A.S.O. Which we thought was a bit odd since it was dated for over a month ago…

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This award is given to the students as they do their AR testing.

She didn’t say much about class today. I do know she’s looking forward to tomorrow’s Chapel with Pastor Shawn and going to the zoo next week. I know I’m looking forward to the zoo trip as well, since it’ll be the first time I get to go on a field trip with her and her class. It’s going to be a great day. Now if it just doesn’t rain…

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The Bible verse for this week is…

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.” – Hebrews 12:2a


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Front: 2 digit addition.

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Back: more 2 digit addition.

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Front: adding “es” to words.

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Back: adding “es” to words.

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Front: working with nouns.

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Back: working with nouns.

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