Patio Makeover – Part 1

Since our patio was poured, stamped and stained a few years ago, we haven’t been happy with the color. It’s not what we wanted. So instead of hiring someone, again. We decided to do it ourselves.

So last Saturday, Gino started with a good power wash clean…

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Looking south it doesn’t look so bad from over here.
The last time he power washed was 2 years ago.

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But when you come over to where he has already cleaned, you can REALLY see the difference!

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Black stinky (smelled like fish!) algae and moss clinging to the surface.
It’s really thick in some areas.

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I took over the washing for awhile and had some fun with it. Isabel got a kick out of it too!
The area just left of the “I” in Isabel was the worst.

After power washing the surface, he stripped the old stain off (no photos). This took a few applications to do but eventually he got most of it off. What is left, will be covered up with the new stain and will give it character and depth.

2013-05-07 011_edited-1We decided to use an eco-friendly stain, stripper, and sealer. All of which are made by the same company. This product is soy based and almost odorless. We’ll see how it withstands our rainy season but so far it’s gre

2013-05-07 005_edited-1The color we choose looks really red in the photos but it actually dried more brown
(what we wanted!). The color name is, “Cola”. In the photos you can see patches of the old stain that still remained after several stripping attempts.

2013-05-07 008_edited-1Application was with a brush. I tried it but couldn’t get low enough without hurting my wrists in the process. So Gino did it all by himself.

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It looks great!

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After 1 application and drying for about an hour, the red is gone and the brown really comes out!

Tonight Gino finished up the staining of the patio.

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Looking south, all finished!
Just what we wanted!

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Looking north, this side is a bit tacky still but it looks amazing!

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Looking east.
Fantastic job! Tomorrow he’ll begin to seal it.

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