School News: Shaft Painting

This morning we were doing well on time but when we actually got out the door, we some how lost several minutes and arrived at school later then normal. Thankfully, we weren’t to late and Isabel was able to get her name written in time. It looks to be a good day patchy clouds with the sun shining through. Enjoy!

How she doing?

The Bible story today was from Matthew 14:13-14 and was the story of Jesus healing the multitudes.

Continuing with the theme of birds this week, the class painted pictures with the shaft of a feather. Isabel’s picture is of a rainbow with the sky above (the purple above the rainbow is her attempt at making the color purple; since there was no purple paint!). She also wrote her name with the feather as well. The “L” got smeared because she got her sleeve to close to the paint!

The special helper was Presley. For show and tell Presley brought a Zhu Zhu pet. There were actually 2 of them (one big one small) Isabel said, one of them walked and made squeaky noises. For snack Presley brought to share orange halves and juice.

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