School News: No Photo

It looked to be a good day as we headed out to school this morning but it all changed by the time I went to pick Isabel up from school. Later in the afternoon, it would hail, then rain, then clear up and then the sun would come out. This continued for the rest of the afternoon until around 5 or 6 p.m.

Today they worked on something “BIG”. Something that is a secret (to all the mother’s) and I’m not supposed to know about… I do know however that it has to do with Mother’s Day. They had several father helpers to help with whatever they worked on.

The Bible story today was about Creation. Isabel couldn’t remember what part of the story that they focused on.

They did NOT work in their Monday Morning Journals, Isabel said. She seemed a bit upset by this but I told her it was probably because they had so much to do today and just didn’t have time since they didn’t have time for “free play” either. I told her they would probably do it on Wednesday and not to worry.

They played in the playground and the court yard because they had to share the playground with another class. Isabel said while they were in the court yard they (meaning the girls) were trying  to keep away from the boys.

The special helper today was Makayla. For show and tell Makayla brought 2 My Little Ponies®. For snack, Makayla brought to share carrot sticks, chocolate bunny crackers and apple juice. Isabel said she ate her whole snack because she wanted to eat it all and she didn’t want to bring it home. I was glad to hear that she was eating carrots because she’s been saying she doesn’t like carrots anymore, when I know that she does.

I also need to say that the special helper friend Makayla picked was Isabel. Isabel was so excited that Makayla picked her to be her special helper friend!

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