School News: Spaghetti

When I arrived back at the classroom to pick Isabel up, the majority of the class (w/parents) were huddled around the science table. After some of the people cleared, Isabel pulled me over to show me the new addition to the classroom… an ant farm! The little ants were already digging tunnels in the farm (should have taken a picture!). Very cool. Will have to check back on Friday to see how they are doing.

Today was Chapel. In Chapel they heard the story from Acts 27, it was the story of Paul sailing to Rome on a ship during a storm and ended with a shipwreck. An angel of God came to Paul and said, “Do not be afraid.” They sang two songs in Chapel; My God Is So Big and the Goodbye Song.

My God is so big, So strong and so mighty,
There’s nothing my God cannot do. (clap clap)
My God is so big, So strong and so mighty,
There’s nothing my God cannot do. (clap clap)
The mountians are His, The valleys are His,
The stars are His handiwork too. (clap clap)
My God is so big, So strong and so mighty,
There’s nothing my God cannot do.
(Isabel loves this song and is always singing it.
She even has her own hand motions to the song!)

Today they made spaghetti with meatballs and sang the Spaghetti Song.

“On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese.
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, it rolled on the floor,
and then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.
It rolled in the garden and under a bush,
and then my poor meatball was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty as tasty could be,
and early next summer it grew to a tree.
The tree was all covered with beautiful moss.
It grew great big meatballs and tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti all covered with cheese,
hold on to your meatball and don’t ever sneeze.”
We sang this together on the way home in the car!)


Since it was pouring rain during recess the class played games in the gym today.

The special helper today was Addie. For show and tell Addie brought a breakable brown-haired doll named Fiona. For snack, Addie brought to share, square crackers with a hole in the middle. Isabel said she had a bag of these crackers but Makayla had more in her bag then Isabel.  They also had fruit punch juice to drink.


This postcard is from Makayla. She brought it to class and wanted to stick it in Isabel’s mailbox! I thought it was to cute not to share! (I did erase Makayla’s last name)


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