Let’s cut paper part 3

I haven’t added any of Isabel’s cutting projects since April but we have done them! We worked with the scissors yesterday and she seems to do o.k., she just needs more practice, practice, practice! She worked on a spiral cut, a zig-zag cut, and other “turning of the paper” projects. A few times she had me worried about her little fingers but after refocusing, she got her hands out of the way. Enjoy!

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Her cutting projects; spiral, square, zig-zag and triangle.
She is actually almost finished with her Kumon First Steps Series Let’s Cut Paper book.
So I’ll have to find more projects online or come up with idea’s on my own.

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This project was one that I did find on the internet and was a 4-fold project.
She had to color, cut, arrange the letters in the correct order,
and then paste them to the paper.

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The finished project. I have the rest of the alphabet (and numbers too) but we’ll work on that another day.

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More practice name writing as well. The top one she did better on; the bottom one I have no idea what she was trying to spell!

Joy to the Heart

This week, in church Isabel learned that God doesn’t look at the appearance or outside of man, but rather the heart. She heard the story about how David was chosen to be King, as told in 1 Samuel 16:1-13.

“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.” Psalm 19:8 NIV

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Her crown.

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Not as elaborate as King David’s…but just as priceless…

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On the inside of her crown she even wrote her own name. Whenever we do any coloring or craft, she wants to write her name on the paper. Great job!

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Here is our little crowned “king”.

Early writing

This afternoon while Isabel and I were drawing on the easel, I decided to see if she could write her name. I said and wrote each letter and then asked her to do it. How do you think she did?

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Beginning the “s”.

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Beginning the “b”.

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Beginning the “l”.

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She wanted to color over it and I had to stop her,
so the extra line by the “i” was her doodle.

Color Craze

For the last week Isabel has been caught up with coloring. It’s so great to see her focus on coloring a page and then seeing what the end result is!


This picture is just like the other day but this time she had to draw in the face, which is in blue.


Her color of choice has been: Scarlet! I don’t know why but she’s been using it a lot in her coloring.
This elephant is just an example…she did so well on it! So proud!

The whole picture

Last night, Isabel headed to the craft cabinet and got out her coloring book and crayons. She colored, while I got dinner ready. I got so caught up with making dinner that I realized Isabel was being very quite!  I stepped over to the dining room and found her deep in concentration coloring this page! She was doing an amazing job! She has never really gotten into coloring before this and I often wondered why bother with it. Finally,  it was amazing to “peek” and see her focus on her work and try so hard to get color onto the tiny feet, eyes, and wings.


She did an awesome job!

Lets Cut Paper part 2

We worked again with scissors yesterday. Isabel was impressed by the little “corral” of sheep that she made, I decided to post a photo of her creations! Enjoy!

On the Farm. This was actual fun to watch her cut out because she had to discard the corner pieces after she cut them off. I don’t think she fully understood the project until I taped the sides up to “corral” the sheep. Very cute!

Projects included in today’s scissor lesson were:
Ship shape (cutting diagonally), Blast Off!, (pieces cut apart to make a rocket), Tug-of-War! (pieces cut apart to make a tug-of war game), Let’s Go Hiking! (pieces cut apart and then reassembled like a puzzle), and On the Farm (a “corral” for the sheep).