Smashing Cans

To earn extra spending SAVING money, Isabel smashes aluminum cans just the way I did when I was growing up!

She fills a garbage can with smashed cans and then we take the can to they recycle center. We’ve taken the filled garbage can twice (since she agreed to collect) and has gotten as high as $12+ for her smashed cans.

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She’ll have some money in her pocket to save.

Fun Boredom-Busters: Bracelet

Today we busted out the boredom busters from Grandma that she sent last month.

Isabel wasn’t in the mood to work on the project but that quickly changed when I got out the supplies.

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Happily working on her bracelet.

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She figured out how to do the knot from the instructions and made sure they were all tight!

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She has more cording to make 5 more bracelets.

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Today she picked the rainbow.
She did a great job!

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With her finished boredom-buster bracelet.

Nana Sends Gifts

When Preston and Lexci came to our house after visiting Nana and Pompo in Utah. They brought some gifts from Nana for Isabel.

Nana sent her bread-presses, joke CD’s with booklets, clothes and a bed cover. Isabel’s favorite thing… the bed cover!

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First thing this morning she asks if she can try it on her bed.
Thank you Nana!

Girls Can Engineer

Last year Gino told me about this new company that is creating toys for girls to get them thinking about other things besides being a “princess“.

Well, I’ve had my eye on the toys at Target and when I noticed they were all on clearance the other day. I bought all 3 kits.

Today with nothing else to really do, we got out our first kit: building a parade float (and other cool stuff).

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The parts to our kit include: 1 book and miscellaneous building parts.

Her first words… “Oh, this looks interesting!”

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After following along with the story in the book we come to our first project build:
a pageant/float seat.

Using the exact same pieces… Isabel’s seat is on the right and my seat is on the left.

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Isabel beginning to build the parade float from the book.
She’s focused on her work.

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She finished!
(this is just one of examples from the book)

I tried getting her come up with a different float idea, not in the book, but she didn’t want to, today, maybe tomorrow. The book also mentions adding a paper banners to the float and I know Isabel would be interested in doing that. She’s always cutting out things and assembling them into larger paper art projects. The ideas are endless!

Grandma Sends A Package

Today Isabel got a whole-lot-of-love in the mail! She was super excited after she opened it because it held so many things she loves to do!

Thank you Grandma (and Grandpa) for all the fun boredom-busters!

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Her box holds a H.K. summer journal book, a bracelet making kit, stickers, word find books (she’s so into these right now), a mini beach ball, sunglasses, loops (to make potholders!),
and a bowl holder (from our Auntie Em!).

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She got right to work on finishing a potholer she’s been working on for sometime but ran out of loops.

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She’s crazy for loops or maybe she’s just crazy!!