Girls Can Engineer

Last year Gino told me about this new company that is creating toys for girls to get them thinking about other things besides being a “princess“.

Well, I’ve had my eye on the toys at Target and when I noticed they were all on clearance the other day. I bought all 3 kits.

Today with nothing else to really do, we got out our first kit: building a parade float (and other cool stuff).

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The parts to our kit include: 1 book and miscellaneous building parts.

Her first words… “Oh, this looks interesting!”

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After following along with the story in the book we come to our first project build:
a pageant/float seat.

Using the exact same pieces… Isabel’s seat is on the right and my seat is on the left.

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Isabel beginning to build the parade float from the book.
She’s focused on her work.

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She finished!
(this is just one of examples from the book)

I tried getting her come up with a different float idea, not in the book, but she didn’t want to, today, maybe tomorrow. The book also mentions adding a paper banners to the float and I know Isabel would be interested in doing that. She’s always cutting out things and assembling them into larger paper art projects. The ideas are endless!

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