Third Grade: Day 139

Whoa! It’s Thursday already! Where did the week go? I’m still trying to figure that one out.

We had a super fast day and we were completed with all our work by 1 p.m.

In the classroom:

Our spelling test today was given orally while Isabel was doing the dishes. I would give her the word and she would then have to spell it back to me. She did a great job and only missed one!

In Language arts, Isabel’s assignment was to write a “cinquain” poem. A “cinquain” poem is a short unrhymed poem of 22 syllables – 5 lines of  2, 4, 6, 8 and 2 syllables.

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Isabel’s cinquain poem.
Love it!

She was very discouraged at the beginning of the assignment. She just didn’t get it and was having trouble choosing a subject. After some help and discussion, she slowly started working it all out in her head. When her “light-bulb” moment goes on, there is no stopping her!

In math she worked on her computer lessons for an hour. Afterward, we did a 5-minute frenzy!

I had told her the next time she did one, I would do one too. She was excited and nervous at the same time but she did a awesome job.

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My frenzy paper I didn’t get completed.
My brain froze!

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Isabel almost finished her frenzy and watching her work today she did an awesome job!

In science:

We played a bean map game!

The assignment; pick a bean and draw a detailed picture of the pattern of your bean. Isabel went first and couldn’t find her bean. I found it after just 2 minutes (she was disappointed that I found it so fast).

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Looking closely at the pattern of those beans!

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Her bean pattern that she drew.

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