New Life Egg Hunt

Usually Daddy is the one to hide the eggs around the house but this year it was me!

I asked her if she wanted to do the hunt outside (since it wasn’t raining – first time ever!) and she asked me “why?”. She didn’t know that outside is where you normally have an egg hunt. So we did it inside.

I hid the eggs in the family and dining room, kitchen and classroom. While Isabel hid out in her room.

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The first one she found was in by the coffee/tea maker.

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Easy one to find.

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This one required her to s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

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With Mickey in the classroom.
(Daddy hid one here too later)

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Mickey was hiding this one too.

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In with the pencils for class.

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This one took her some time to find and it fit so perfectly in it’s hiding place.

I think I did rather well. She had to get 3 clues in order to get her last egg found.

This last egg and her 3 clues:

  • it’s by something yellow
  • it’s up high and
  • you will need a ladder to get to it

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Even after all those clues she still had a hard time finding this one walked by it so many times I lost count!

We had a great time hunting for our new life eggs!

She wanted Daddy to hide the eggs and she hunt for them again one more time. His eggs were easy to find but one of them was a bit out of reach!

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