Third Grade: Day 134

Today is our Friday and we are ready for our Easter Holiday! Tomorrow is Good Friday and we will not be having class.

Today we did a few things (mostly written work) and were complete in the early afternoon.

In the classroom:

Today was Isabel’s big presentation of her poem. We did several video trails before she gave her first presentation to Nana and Pompo online!

[vimeo clip_id=”124080965″ width=”550″]

She did an awesome job!
Nana was super impressed with her ability to memorize this poem.

Tomorrow she will do it again for Grandma and Grandpa.

In Language Arts, Isabel’s assignment today was to tell a story. That was all.

[vimeo clip_id=”124075707″ width=”550″]

The “carrot-caper”!

Dictation passage:

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Psalm 107:1,9 .
Done beautifully.

Spelling test:

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She was upset that she missed “splendidly”.
She did a great job regardless.

In math, I had her do several skills in multiplication and division. She’s beginning to like multiplication (she told me that today) but she doesn’t like division all that much.

5-minute frenzy:

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Next time she does a 5-minute frenzy, I told her I would challenge her.
She thought that was a great idea!

In order to get all our states completed before the end of the school year, we did 4 states today.

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