Third Grade: Day 51

We have been playing catch-up this week for school and have gotten to where we need to be in order to be on vacation for Thanksgiving.

Each Monday we have a dictation passage. We read through it on Monday and then on Friday, Isabel has to write it out while I read it aloud to her. This week, I gave her some new rules on how the dictation passage will be written out from now on. Each week it will need to be written out in cursive while I read it aloud. This will give her great practice in her handwriting!


This week’s passage. Beautiful work!

Please note: we have not gone over capital letters in cursive writing. However I told her to do her best on “Lord” because he’s always capital.

This week she is also working on an oral book report for a book we have recently read in class. I am hoping to have her give the report during our Thanksgiving vacation.

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