First Grade: Day 137 – Half Day

Today is Thankful Thursday and it’s P.E. with Mrs. S. Today’s P.E. class was cancelled due to it being a half day at school today. Isabel said they did go into the computer lab to do some AR testing.

Otherwise all she talked about was her recess and no one wanted to play with her or someone was being mean and not taking turns/sharing.


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Front: complete the sentences with the words provided.

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Back: complete the sentences with the words provided.
Isabel even did the “extra” work at the bottom using the words: mail, day and gray.
“I went to out to check the mail on a gray day.”  Great job!

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Front: add “ed” to the words.

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Back: working with “ed“.

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Front: choose the word that best completes the sentences.

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Back: write the words for each picture.

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