First Grade: Day 132

Today is Wonderful Wednesday!

It’s music class with Mr. G and computer lab with Mrs. T.

Music class was cut short due to a performance in the Sanctuary by the Drama Club. They did an adaptation of “Charlotte’s Web“. I heard the play was very good and Isabel said she really enjoyed it too. I wanted to go but I was working.

In computer lab they did 4 AR tests, just after lunch recess.

Today was class pictures for Isabel. Tomorrow is staff group picture and also class pictures with my Preschool 3’s.

My Project 1-001 (3)_edited-1Classwork…

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Front: write the word that completes the sentences.

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Back: working with “igh” sound.

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Front: circle the verb.

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Back: circle and write the verb.

The science project this week was “Mirror Magic” and talking about reflection and refraction light.

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Learning about light properties.

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Changing light. What is a reflection. What is refraction.

2013-04-03 007_edited-1During class, they did this experiment together yesterday.

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