First Grade: Day 28

Friday in class is called “Fantastic Fridays“.

On Fantastic Fridays, they attend music class with Mr. G, just like on Wednesdays. Like I mentioned on Wednesday, they are practicing for their Christmas program in December.

This weeks Friday was STUFFED with all this weeks past work. They do so much work throughout the week! So I won’t be posting it and I don’t remember doing that much work when I was in first grade!

Today, they had a birthday celebration for Fiona. Fiona brought cupcakes to share and goody bags with small gifts for the class. Like purple plastic teeth, tattoos, erasers, a squishy eyeball, and a ring!

Isabel with her purple teeth and squishy eyeball.

The class also had some special guests; Isabella’s parents taught the class how to make a lizard out of beads. They gave the kids a pattern and some beads and then had them arrange the beads on the pattern. Isabel said she had a lot of fun making hers.

Isabel’s pink lizard hangs on her bulletin board in her room. The “white” beads glow-in-the-dark! She thought this was so COOL!

Front: learning contractions.

Back: What happens next? They eat the pie!
I love this drawing!

Finished up the story of Babel this week.
Genesis 11:1-9

Midterm progress reports were sent home today as well. Isabel is doing a fantastic job in all academic areas; Bible, phonograms, handwriting, spelling, math, and reading.

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