School News: Field Trip Part 1

Today 10 classmates and Isabel’s teachers from school went on a field trip to U Fish. Enjoy!

Mrs. W leading the class in opening prayer before heading into fish and have fun with our classmates.

U-Fish has 2 large ponds; the larger of the 2 has a small island and we headed over the bridge to fish. Each classmate was given a bucket (to put their fish in) and a pole. Within moments of dropping their lines in the water, most of the kids had a fish on the line. With help from the owner and his wife, all the kids got their fish in the buckets with their names on a card.

After all the kids had caught one fish, we headed back over to the main land from the island and handed off our catch of the day to be cleaned and kept in the fridge until we left for home.

Isabel and her fish she caught.

This was the best part of the whole day for me. I enjoyed seeing the reactions of all the kids as their fishes flopped around in the buckets. Wish I could have gotten it all on camera. Priceless indeed!

While we waited for other’s to hand in their fish to be cleaned we stood by the African Guinea Hen pen.
(you can just make out one of the white birds on the left)

Our tour of the farm animals began with all all the different birds on the farm. We saw the Guinea hens, chickens, doves, emus, turkeys, peacocks, and pheasants.

At this pen we are learning all about the make turkey and why his whole head turns blue!

After our tour of all the birds, goats and pigs, our tour continued in the barn were we saw more goats, ponies, alpacas, bunnies, a camel, donkeys, guineas pigs, and llamas

Heading into the barn and the kids are interested in the guinea pigs located in the center of the room.

This pony was so friendly and curious, I was standing by it for awhile, while we listened to the owner talk about her animals. This pony kept trying to get me to pet it and was curious about the camera too. I think it was looking for treats that I didn’t have.

The owner told us the difference between llamas and alpacas but I can’t remember… so this either a llama or alpaca!

Each one of the kids were given a carrot to feed the different animals in the barn. They were told if they wanted to feed more then 1 animal, they had to hold onto the carrot. Isabel feed the bunnies first then we broke up the carrot to give to Stanley.

Stanley is the sweetest camel I’ve ever been around. Isabel was terrified of him and didn’t want to even touch him. However Gino got a bit closer…

Stanley gave Gino a kiss! So sweet… he gives kisses for carrots.


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