School News: Nature Walk

Today when I picked Isabel up from school, we sat down on the quiet time rug and she read me a story, Little Quack’s Opposites by Lauren Thompson, a story about 2 ducks, Quack and Puddles. It was a great fun book (the illustrations were fun) and she did a great job reading it to me, even Lilliana started to listen too!

Today’s Bible story was about the tiny seed grows into a tree. I am thinking she heard the story of the mustard seed found in Matthew 13:31-34.

Planted marigolds.

The class headed outside today to do a nature walk. Isabel said she found a pine cone, 2 leaves, a stick, and a bud (it was either opening or closing she said). The class then took some of the many things they found on their walk and brought them to the science table inside the classroom. I would have gotten a picture but Isabel was telling me this as we were getting into the car.

Mrs. W read the story Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman. Isabel told me it was the same book that she has! She likes the book because in the end all the dogs go to a big party on top of a huge tree! What fun!

The special helper today was Eden. For show and tell Eden brought a purple hippo pillow pet. For snack, Eden brought to share pretzels, Cars fruit snacks and juice. Isabel said that while they were eating they played a game to see if anyone could name the fruit snack cars.

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