School News: Letter U

When I arrived back at the classroom to pick Isabel up, she and several other girls were standing around Aiden waiting to get a turn to hold his show and tell. Instead of leaving right away, I stood back and watched the scene unfold in front of me.

As the show and tell was passed around Isabel kept asking very nicely to see it. Everyone would ignore her and hand it to someone else. One of the moms standing by me told her daughter that it wasn’t very nice to hand it to someone else when Isabel had been asking for it. This continued with the other girls, as Isabel kept asking and waiting patiently until everyone else had their turn with Aiden’s show and tell. In the end, instead of packing up his show and tell and heading home, Aiden waited patiently for Isabel to hold it and even showed her how to make it work! I was so proud of her (and told her so later at home), for showing patience and kindness to others even when they weren’t being so nice to her.


Today Mrs. Calvert was helping in another class and Mrs. G was helping in Isabel’s class. Also Makayla’s Mommy AND Daddy were the Mommy helper today!

The Bible story today was fromĀ Genesis 2:19-20 and was of Adam naming the animals in the Garden of Eden.

She got this Bible embossing template and when I asked her what it was for she showed me the gold paper. So I’m not really sure what this is for… but it’s still very cool. I could use it for scrapbooking!

She brought home a shamrock-rice shaker, the stickers hold the egg together. Very cute.

The letter “U” is for: Umbrella.

During recess they got to play outside in the playground, Isabel says she played with all the other girls and they played in the play house together. Then they ran around the play yard. (Anymore, whenever she says “we” it’s about her and Makayla.)

The special helper today was Aiden. For show and tell, Aiden brought 2 light saber’s. When a button on the handle was pushed, the light saber extended and lite up with lights inside. For snack Aiden brought to share, breakfast bars (Isabel’s was cherry) and apple juice in a can.


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