School News: Valentines Day

Since today was Valentines day, I wanted to do something very special with Isabel’s hair for Valentines Day. The hair-do that I chose is from a website that I found recently while surfing the web for girly-do’s that I could attempt to do. Since I am not a “hair style” person (pigtails or a barrette are the only things working for us!), this hair style seemed easy enough for even me! So without any practice before hand, I attempted it and actually got it to work with ease! I’m so proud of myself. Enjoy!

Isabel’s special hair-do before class… luckily for us its held together all day!

When I arrived back at school to pick her up, all the kids were lined up along the wall by the door, holding their valentines and silhouette pictures (we’ll see these later). I had wanted to get a picture but by the time I made it into the door, the kids had moved or parents/siblings were standing in the way. It would have been a great shot and I’m sorry that I missed it. Isabel had been standing near the front of the line and grabbed me right away to show me all her special things from class today. The tables were filled with overflowing valentine pouches. Isabel was very excited to show me all the candy/cookies/valentines/goodies she had gotten from her classmates and teachers.

Isabel’s valentine holder that they made to hold their valentines, of course. I overheard Mrs. W tell one mom that each child got to hand out their own valentines (with help) to all their classmates. What fun!

Even though today was extra special during class. They still had a Bible story which was from Mark 10:13-16 and was the story of the little children and Jesus. “Let the children come unto me for the kingdom of heaven belongs to these… and he took them into his arms and blessed them.”

Since it was raining outside, they had recess in the gym. Isabel said that they did running/relay games and acted like different animals. “We galloped like horses. Ran fast like deer. And hopped like frogs.” She said.

All the kids from the class got to bring their favorite stuffed animal to class. Each child got to stand up and tell the class about their special animal and why it was special to them. Isabel said that there were lots of bears, a giraffe, a frog, and one very very special lamb named Lula! “Zachary brought a bear to class and he told everyone that he thought it was a beaver.” Isabel said, “But Momma, it didn’t have big front teeth like a beaver. Zachary was being silly!”

The class also got to decorate their very own valentine cookie. They were each given a circle cookie (don’t know why it’s a circle) and then they got to frost it and put sprinkles on it. Isabel said, “Mrs. W said we could eat half of our cookie. I ate half of mine!”

The special helper today was Lilliana. For show and tell, she brought a pink and white, plain (no decorations) jewelry stand. “To hold bracelets and necklaces, Momma.” said Isabel. For snack, Lilliana brought Go-Gurt® and juice to share. Isabel said that she got green but there was pink and blue too.

Isabel’s silhouette. I spoke with Mrs. Calvert on the way out the door and she told me that Mrs. W had been working on these for weeks. Very cool!

Does it look like her?

Isabel and Lula with her valentines from school.

My valentine from Isabel.

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