School News: Disappointment

Isabel was excited to get to school this morning… because today was Makayla’s special helper day! She went to school thinking Makayla was going to pick her for the “special-helper” friend. She even went so far as to ask her at school when we arrived…


The first words I hear upon my arrival after school… “She didn’t pick me.” Isabel said with so much sadness; my heart was just breaking for her! I didn’t want to talk about it in the classroom so we quickly gathered all her things and left for home. Below is a bit of our conversation on the road for home…

Me: Makayla didn’t pick you for the special helper friend?
Isabel (very sad): No.
Me: Who did she pick?
Isabel (still very sad): She picked Payton.
Me: I am sorry that Makayla didn’t pick you Isabel, (excitement building in my voice) but do you know what???
Isabel: hhhmmm (her little face looking like the tears were going to fall any second).
Me: This means that Makayla isn’t as shy anymore! She’s becoming more comfortable with all the other kids in your class. That’s not to say she’s not friends with you because I can tell she really likes you. But she’s ready for more friends! That is so great Isabel!
Isabel: It still makes me sad. (still sounding very sad and the tears getting closer!)
Me: I know, Baby Girl. Your friends with Payton. So now you can all be friends and Makayla doesn’t have to feel left out and afraid! You helped her by being her friend first and getting her to open up to all the other’s in your class and not being so shy. Don’t you think Makayla still likes you?
Isabel: … yes.
Me: Yes. She does and you can all be friends… we ended up talking a bit more and when we arrived at home Daddy and Isabel had a little talk… and hugs too.

Later in the day, after all the sadness was gone, I got a bit more information (not much) about what happened at school today.

The Bible story today was from Luke 15:11-32 and was about the prodigal son.

The special helper today was Makayla. For show and tell, she brought a lot of Hello Kitty things. For snack, Makayla brought crackers or cookies and juice. Isabel said she had cookies while others had crackers or cookies like she did.

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