End of the 3rd week

Well, it’s the end of the 3rd week of potty training and it’s going better then I expected! I awoke on the 30th of November and said to myself, “Today, is the day! I am through changing diapers! No more! I’m done!!” and that was the beginning of the first week. I ditched the diaper, put Isabel in panties, and let her run around the house like that. When we go out, like to the store, she gets a pull-up, otherwise it’s panties. No more diapers (just at night).


Isabel has only had 3 accidents and that was back in the first week of training! She’s gotten to the point now, where she runs into the bathroom herself and does her business without almost all my help. So I’m excited. Gino’s excited. Isabel is excited because she gets to have a party! Gino had told her in the beginning if she did all her bowel movements in the potty, he would throw her a party! So tomorrow is the BIG DAY! It’s a Poo-Poo party! Hurray for Isabel, we are so proud of you!

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