
Today is my Gma Euny Kuhr’s birthday; she would have been 83.
This is my tribute to her…

1981 – Grasshopper Junction, Arizona
My family and I had just moved to Arizona the previous year and my grandparents came out to visit. We took them to the Grand Canyon, the London Bridge in Lake Havasu, Vegas, and even the booming town of Grasshopper Junction!

1988 – Killeen, Texas
My parents, grandparents, and I went to visit my Uncle Denny and his family for Christmas. My Gma loved to play cards and the card game of choice for the Kuhr clan is Pinochle or Euchre. My Gma would play any card game though, it was her way of visiting with family and friends.

1991 – Omaha, Nebraska
This is Gma and my nephew, Kevin. Unfortunately, Kevin passed away from SIDS three months later. I was the one who received the call from Gma that he had passed…I can still her frantic voice like it was yesterday.

1994 – Ozark Lake, Missouri
This is how you could always find Gma (if she wasn’t playing cards),
in the kitchen either cleaning or cooking.
She could stuff you like a turkey – her food was so good!

Summer 2000 – Copenhagen, Denmark
Gma and Gmpa made a trip to Denmark were the Kuhr’s came from, of course.

August 1997 – Lincoln, Nebraska
My grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.
This is by far my most favorite photo of them together.
(it looks so much better then this scan!)

September 14th, 2007 – Blair, Nebraska
This was the last day I saw my Gma Euny.
She passed away on January 19th, 2008.

Still like two young “kids” so deeply in love!

60 years together equals
4 sons,
7 grandsons,
3 granddaughters,
5 great grandsons,
and 7 great granddaughters.