
Isabel has a Little Leaps learning system that she received 2 years ago for Christmas and one of the CD games is learning with Winnie the Pooh. Isabel’s favorite part of the whole CD is the section about emotions. So we have been working on explaining emotions to her and we think she’s understanding how to express herself. Enjoy!

Surprised! Like Tigger.

Sad; when your feelings get hurt. Like Eeyore.

Happy. Like Winnie.


The beginnings of an acrobat.

Or maybe a beautician.

So then I handed the camera to Isabel and showed her how to take a picture. It was a bit hard for her to hold the camera and press the button all the way down. But she did quite well with her first lesson. After one blurry shot, what do you think? Gino says that it looks like I just woke up, that is not the case. I just don’t take great photos…

Isabel’s first photo taking lesson.