We can talk to God

For the next 4 weeks @ church Isabel will be learning how to talk with God.

We have been praying and teaching Isabel to pray ever since the beginning. Now we say prayers together at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at bedtime. Just recently though, we have began to pray at nap time as well.

These are all just simple prayers like…
“Thank you God for this food.” “Thank you God for this time to sleep.”
and just yesterday, while Isabel and I were playing on the floor together, she stops what she was doing, folds her hands, and says; “Momma pray Daddy.” So right there we prayed for Daddy while he was at work.
“Jesus Daddy safe work, Amen”

With our prayer time together at home and learning more about prayer at church it will reinforce the importance of talking to God for her. Amen!