Third Grade: Day 59 – Expression

Today in class Isabel was given the task of writing short character sketches from a picture she was given in her Language arts book.

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The picture she was given is in the foreground and the book also gave her a series of short questions
to help her express herself through her writing assignment.
She’s been working hard on this assignment and I can’t wait to hear what she’s come up with.

Third Grade: Day 58 – Food Chain

If you happen to ask Isabel what her favorite subject in school is, she’ll tell you it’s science.

Since the school year began we have been going over animals. First it was mammals, then birds, amphibians, reptiles and lately we’ve been talking about animals in the ocean and sea.

Today we talked about food chains in the ocean and sea. Mainly the topic was sharks and then we talked about fishes and their different forms of defense (to keep themselves from being eaten!).

Our “Do Together” assignment was to build a food chain from the meat we had during lunch. Well, for lunch we didn’t have anything exciting, just a turkey sandwich and after some research online we learned that our turkey probably was raised at a breeder farm for maximum meat production. So with that in mind, this is what she drew…

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Not all that exciting,
however we had a great discussion about other food chains besides our bred turkey.

Back At Home

We are back home after our Thanksgiving vacation to Utah. We arrived on Tuesday evening, December 2nd, around 7 p.m.

We had a fantastic time seeing family, being in warmer temperatures and relaxing. Always good for the soul to see all those you love the most.



I will be posting photos and blogging from the trip over the next week. I hope to have it finished by then. Bare with me as I try to get back in the groove of things.

Ride Home – Part 2 – Thanksgiving 2014

After leaving Boise this morning with rain, our trip has been very pleasant with no weather delays or road conditions. We expect to be home around 7 p.m. unless there is something along the road ahead.


In Oregon along Interstate 84.
The dusting of snow was really pretty to see.


Hi from the road near La Grande in Oregon.


Waiting for some lunch with friends.
She spent the whole day playing her game and didn’t need to recharge the batteries until we were in Washington.

After our stop in La Grande for some much needed lunch we were back on the road in no time.


Heading up Cabbage Hill, or Dead Man’s Pass, just outside of La Grande, we hit some fog.


At the top of the Pass it was clear skies and gorgeous.


Beginning our descent, we head back into the fog but the fog on this side of the mountain is thicker.
Visibility is only 500 feet .


During our switch-back ride down, Gino kept this semi-truck trailer in front of us.
The black door was a great visual to keeping us on the road.


Along Interstate 90 just west of Ellensburg, the sun is set and we are almost home.


We arrived back at home around 7:30 p.m.
Our trip stats from Utah to home are listed above from the dashboard trip monitor.