State Fair 2014

Unfortunately for you, I didn’t take many pictures of our trip to the Fair. We were having to much fun!


The first stop we made was the FREE pedal-car tractors sponsored by the local feed store.


Riding her tractor along the course.


Before she headed out on her own, the sponsor’s took this adorable photo that we
purchased after her ride on the course.

After the tractor ride, we walked around looking inside the animal barns.


In the first barn, we saw a 300+lb. pig with her 16 day old piglets and another HUGE pig in labor. She was supposed to have delivered yesterday (on the 16th) but there were no baby pigs yet.

In another barn, we saw rows and rows of rabbits, a lot that I had never seen or heard of. We all got to pet a VERY soft bunny, that has very little dander (forgot the name of this one).

There were a few rows of guinea pigs, which some of them looked like rabbits (maybe that’s why they were with the bunnies)!

Isabel got to speak with a lady about her guinea pig and pet it too. We also saw rows of birds; chickens (and chicks), turkey hens with chicks and fancy pigeons. Some of which I had never seen and were so beautiful!


This fancy pigeon is called a “Frillback” and this photo does not do justice for this bird!
Very pretty!


This fancy pigeon is called a “Trumpeter”. It is known for it’s large “muffs” (feathers) on it’s feet!
The coloring on this bird was gorgeous on it’s chest (you can just make out the blue and green)!

In the horse barns, we saw horses! We saw Quarter Horses, miniature horses, Clydesdale’s and Belgian horses that weighed over 2,000+ lbs! Most of the horses were getting pampered for the show that was taking place elsewhere while we were walking through the barns.

Around noon or so, we stopped by a BBQ pit and shared a plate of ribs, chicken and pulled pork. It was O.K., so we went to get a hot dog instead. After that, we went to ride some rides (maybe not such a good idea just after eating!) Just kidding, we did fine. Now some other people… didn’t do so well.

After riding the Ferris Wheel (one ride we always ride first), we stopped by the “primitive farm” to learn about the pioneers.


Using the hand saw.
She got to keep her small bit of wood she cut off.


Trying to drill a hole but the bit was extremely dull.

After this we went back to riding a few more rides before seeing the art exhibits and other booths.


Waving as they come back down from their spin in the air.


Can’t forget to ride the 1917 carousel that’s just outside the booth exhibits.


Nothing says, “I’ve been to the Fair.” like a cone of cotton candy bigger than your head!

We stayed around until about 7:30 p.m. we rode more rides and saw even more exhibits. We even got to see some Mutton Races! It was a great day and we enjoyed it! Until next time…

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