Project: Front Yard Lawn Part 1

We install our new sod today.

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3 pallets arrived and we had our work cut out for us.

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Gino and I started just moments after the sod was delivered at 11:45 a.m and by 12:30 we had the south side almost finished.

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Just after I took the above photo our neighbor to the north arrived to help and I was out of a job.
Actually with 3 people working on it, the job gets done a lot faster.

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By the time we finish the south side our other neighbor from across the street came over to help with our sod project.
I still had work to do. I kept the pallets of grass wet, unloaded sod while the men laid it, kept the edges from drying out, and kept the men hydrated too!

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By 4:30 the front yard sod was down!

THANK YOU! Neighbors!
(without their much appreciate help Gino and I would still be out laying sod)

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Looks great!

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Walking around looking across the yard from the driveway.

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The extra grass in the curbed areas will not stay there, just keeping it moist.

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Trimmed up and rolled out.

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It’s finished… on to the next project!

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