Second Grade: Day 164

Today is Wednesday and it’s Chapel and library in class.

Today was Family Chapel. Family Chapel is were students get together with other mixed age/grade students and receive instruction from a sixth grader. For Family Chapel today however, the family groups worked on their banners and shirts for “Field Day” that will be next month.

Isabel got to pick the design for her tie-dye t-shirt but an adult will be doing the actual dying. Isabel’s group is called “Steel Teal”. Their group color is teal.

The banner that they worked on today has all the students names from her group on it and the name of their group, “Steel Teal”.

For library she check-out a G. Stilton book called, “Valentine’s Day Disaster”. We’ll read this together for her homework reading assignment after school.

She didn’t have much else to say about her day at school.

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