Spring Program: King Of The Jungle

Tonight was the school’s spring program.

It was awesome.


Title screen before the program started.
(NOT my photo)


Let the journey begin..
(NOT my photo)

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Isabel was on the far side of the room from where we sat. Which was good because we could see her but bad because she was so far away!
This was the only photo I got where Isabel was smiling.

The performances were great. Jungle Jean (girl in safari hat) had a LOT of lines to remember and she did great! She also had 2 solo’s! The choir (all those standing on the risers) sang 8 songs total.

The King’s Animal Kingdom
Lord of Creation
King of the Jungle
The Wild Worship
Bullfrogs and Butterflies (with kindergarten class as the B & B’s)
Noah’s Ark
The Lion’s Den
The Lion and the Lamb in Me

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The moment after the final song ended.

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