Second Grade: Day 36 – Field Trip

Today is Wednesday and it’s Chapel, it’s library day and it’s also a field trip day!

In library today, Isabel got a Boxcar Children book. She is going to read it to me for her after school reading homework. This week she check-out “The Mystery at the Alamo”. Can’t wait to find out what the mystery is.

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Isabel’s new Chapel dress.
She has grown so much since school began she’s grown out of all her dresses!

Today’s Chapel was given by Mrs. D, our librarian. Mrs. D spoke about obedience from Joshua 22:5

“But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that moses the servant of the Lord gave you; to love the Lord you God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” – Joshua 22:5

Mrs. D explained that this message is for all “folks”, which means everyone. She made a clever acrostic to help us “folks” remember…

Follow Him
Obey Him
Love Him
Keep Him close
Serve Him

The field trip was just after noon and I was a driver with 3 other classmates and Isabel. I drove them to another campus in our school district and we watched a skit given by our local fire and rescue department. There were lots of laughs as 3 silly clowns gave tips to all the kids on how to be safe in your home, at the pool and in the car. The skit lasted about an hour and half, I was able to drop the kids off and then pick Isabel up at the end of the day.


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Isabel told me today that she doesn’t like to write the letters “Q” and “J”. When I asked her why, she just said she doesn’t like to.

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