Autumn Leaves

For the past week or so Isabel has been asking us to rake leaves. Normally we don’t have any leaves to rake but since our tree out front has produced enough to actually rake up this year, we let her rake them. We had fun!

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She’s got a big task ahead but she’s excited!

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Daddy helped, while she picked up hand fulls to get her pile big!

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While she was picking up leaves, she found a caterpillar.
It wasn’t moving so I don’t know if it was still alive.

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And now comes the real fun!!

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She runs.

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She leaps.

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She falls.

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She lands!

She did several leaps into the pile until it got to scattered and she didn’t want to rake anymore.

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Hiding in the leaves.

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Making “leaf angels”.

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She found another caterpillar. This one was stuck to the lamp pole.
This one was moving.

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Pure joy!

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Can you hear her giggling?
I can…

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